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Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way - A Criação de Hábitos Gera Poder

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." Aristotle

Seems like, nowadays, many of us are obsessed with figuring out how long it takes to turn an habit into productive and / or visible results as quick as possible. A 2010 study by University College London (UCL) tracked 96 people over 12 weeks, as they attempted to make a daily health lifestyle change. Each participant chose a dietary, or activity behavior, like drinking a glass of water — to be undertaken once daily (e.g., after breakfast), then they proceeded to self-report how “automatic” (habitual) the activity felt each time they did it. The researchers found that it took, on average, 66 days until the behavior reached peak levels of automaticity. There was a lot of variation within each participant’s results during the UCL study; for example, it took one person only 18 days to reach peak automaticity, while another didn’t get there at all by the end of the 84 days (it was estimated that this person would probably get there after about 254 days). Furthermore, some behaviors became habitual more easily than others; simple behaviors like drinking a glass of water everyday by the morning reached automaticity quickly, while complex ones, like doing 50 push-ups, took much longer. Even if this habit-formation study reveals us such detailed information, it´s perfectly clear that new habits form through determination. Our success in setting up new routines and habits starts with laying the proper groundwork and skill building depends on our aptitude and experience. If we have an efficient learning framework, then we’ll master new things quickly, but if we don’t, it can take a long time.

Unlike trying to learn a new skill, making something a habit comes down to how badly we want it. You already have the end-result in your mind, when you set up new patterns and routines, all you need to do is create an environment to support yourself and commit to executing that vision. We don’t have to learn a new skill to quit smoking, for example, we start by committing to quitting, then we change our environment starting with throwing out all the cigarettes hiding in our house and car and we will stop putting ourselves in situations where we will be enticed by others’ smoking habits. Going to the gym at the same time, or just starting a daily outdoor's activity, even if we are not good at it, or an expert on that specific matter, will be of great help, as long as we do it as a daily routine to form the habit.

"Education is not the Learning of facts but the Training the Mind to Think." A. Einstein

It is Not About How Fast You Can Build A Habit, It is What You Build That Matters. Adopting good habits can help us live a longer, happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life. By starting small, we can build a foundation on which larger changes can rest.

We should always focus on wanting to make a change, and never stop striving to be the greatest version of ourselves. Where there’s a will, there’s a way and Small Changes will always lead You to Great Gains. 

'Nothing is impossible', the word itself says «I'm Possible».

Devemos sempre tentar redirecionar a nossa atenção para o fato de fazermos questão de querer marcar pela diferênça e jamais devemos parar de nos esforçar para conseguirmos ser a melhor versão de nós próprios. Com força de vontade, tudo se consegue e são as pequenas alterações à norma que nos irão conduzir, sempre, a grandes resultados.

"Nós somos tudo aquilo que fazemos, de uma forma sistemática. A Supremacia não é um ato, mas sim um Hábito." Aristóteles

"A educação não depende da aprendizagem dos fatos, depende do treino mental que gera os pensamentos." A. Einstein

A própria formação da palavra 'Impossível', gerou um conjunto de observações que acabou por levar à ideologia 'Nada é Impossível', até mesmo o que por vezes parece aparentemente 'Impossível', passa a ser 'Possível' de concretizar. 


Ice Cold Shower - Um Revitalizante Muito Poderoso

Some of the first people to use Ice Baths were the Spartan warriors who wanted to increase their testosterone when getting ready for war. Eastern cultures use it as well to boost mental and physical health. 

Ian Fleming, the Author of the "James Bond" series of novels and short stories, depicts James Bond’s affinity for Cold Showers, on Her Majesty’s Secret Service. In this series of books, he takes what is referred to as a “Scottish Shower,” which starts with some hot water but ends with an Ice Cold Shower. 

Also, the Author of several self-help books Brett McKay, who runs the renowned "Art of Manliness" BLOG, did an experiment to see how he could naturally boost his testosterone levels and become manlier. He consumed more eggs, bacon, meat, nuts, spinach, and broccoli to increase his fat intake. He also threw in some Vitamin D and Omega-3 supplements and lifted heavy weights, focusing on compound exercises, and he did HIIT workouts. Finally, he made sure he got adequate sleep and, of course, he took Cold Showers. 

Victor Pride also points out this Ice Cold Shower Powerful Habit on his BLOG "Bold and Determined" - the Website for Winners, the 30 Days of Discipline Mental and Physical Bootcamp.  I could point several more examples just to prove you that Cold Showers will not only, but also, boost immunity and raise your energy levels; this simple daily habit build massive will power! 

Ice Cold Showers improve emotional resilience, reduce stress, increase alertness, improve your skin & hair, stimulate weight loss, increase testosterone, boost fertility, improve blood circulation, improve immunity, drain your lymphatic system, speed up muscle recovery, give you energized breathing, relieve depression, and many many more benefits; they Wake You Up and  Put You to Sleep!

Be Brave & Stay Strong!

O Autor Britânico Ian Fleming, que criou a coleção de romances de espionagem mundialmente conhecida “James Bond”, faz muitas vezes referência aos Duches de Àgua Fria que a personagem fictícia James Bond tomava, enquanto desempenhava o seu papel de Agente Secreto ao Serviço da Sua Majestade. Os seus livros fazem referência aos seus banhos "escocêses", ou seja, começava o seu banho com água quente, mas terminava com àgua gelada. 

Encontram-se ainda muitos relatos documentados referentes aos Duches de Àgua Fria como um hábito muito recorrente em épocas passadas, um modu vivendus de muitas das grandes personalidades da história da nossa humanidade, que foi uma das rotinas adotadas pelos Guerreiros do Gladiador Spartacus, por exemplo, e servia para aumentarem a sua testosterona, quando se preparavam para enfrentar uma guerra. 

Existem, igualmente, outros casos que são muito comuns nas Culturas Orientais, onde o Banho de Àgua Fria é utilizado como um hábito de rotina para aumentarem a sua saúde não só mental, como também a sua saúde física. Está comprovado que estes duches ajudam no alívio em casos de depressão, aumentam o sitema imunológico e funcionam como uma recarga muito poderosa nos nossos níveis de energia.

Existem imensos exemplos sobre os benefícios resultantes da prática desta rotina diária, um hábito adotado e defendido por muitas personalidades ilustres, não só do nosso passado como também da época em que todos nós vivemos atualmente. 

De acordo com muitos profissionais influentes e bem-sucedidos na àrea motivacional, este é um dos Hábitos mais Poderosos. Poderei apontar outros exemplos, o caso do Autor de vários livros de Auto-Ajuda, o Americano Brett McKay que gere o seu BLOG juntamente com a sua esposa "Art of Manliness" (A Arte da Masculinidade), ou o caso do Orador Motivacional Victor Pride, que tem sido uma inspiração para milhares de pessoas à volta do Globo com o seu BLOG "Website for Winners, the 30 Days of Discipline Mental and Physical Bootcamp" - "Bold and Determined" - Website para Vencedores; 3o Dias de Disciplina Física e Mental no Campo de Treino.

Por todos estes motivos, inclua Duches de Àgua fria na sua rotina diária - este simples hábito poderá trazer-lhe imensos benefícios, de extrema importância, para o seu bem-estar diário. Os Duches de Àgua Fria vão melhorar a sua resiliência emocional, reduzem o stress, aumentam os seus estados de alerta, melhoram a condição da sua pele e do seu cabelo, estimulam a perder peso, aumentam os níveis de testosterona, aumentam a fertilidade, ajudam a melhorar a circulação sanguínea, melhoram as capacidades do sistema imunológico, ajudam no bom funcionamento do sistema linfático, aceleram os processos nos estados de recuperação da massa muscular, proporcionam uma respiração mais energizada, entre muitos outros benefícios. Os Duches de Àgua Fria ajudam-no a Despertar e ajudam-no a Adormecer!

Seja Corajoso(a) e Mantenha-se Fiel à Sua Resistência Inata Perante os Desafios da Vida!

Smart People Learn From Everything & Everyone-Decisões Inteligentes

"Smart People Learn from Everything & Everyone; average people, from their experiences, 'ignorant' always have all the answers." Based on a famous quote by Greek Philosopher Socrates.
We all have the potential to be successful and the prime thing that separates successful people from the most of those who cannot achieve their own golas are smart decisions.
A common pitfall on the way to success is boasting, exaggerating, or losing perspective, by changing the way we approach challenges so we can better position ourselves to face the next obstacle successfully.
One thing truly successful people do quietly is network. In the professional world, networking is a balance between corporate interests and personal relationships.
Successful people also start new projects with humility and conquer challenges modestly. They also know to consider different opinions quietly, by incubating ideas while managing any hypothetical employees under them privately and with respect; this way we can avoid potentially embarrassing someone in front of others and preserve a professional atmosphere.
Be aware that giving away all your personal details (on your CV, for example) can come off as crass if the people you’re sharing this with are not as financially secure, or as loyal as you are. Additionally, giving away too much information about your investments, as well, is another way to give competitors information they can use to further their pursuits.
Finally, something potential successful people do is invest continuously, after sitting on a plan until putting it into practice while innovating it.
Living a fulfilling life is something that everyone deserves to have, yet so many never experience it, so try to never ever forget: it's never too late to start over. If you weren't happy with yesterday, try something different today. Don't stay stuck. Do always better. Be the best of the best!
"As Pessoas Inteligentes Aprendem com Tudo & com Todos, enquanto a média aprende com as suas próprias experiências; quanto aos 'ignorantes', têm sempre respostas para tudo." Baseado numa frase muito famosa do Filósofo Grego Sócrates.
Cada uma das pessoas aprende e revela o seu caráter das mais variadas formas, mas todos nós temos potencial para sermos pessoas bem-sucedidas e o que distingue as pessoas bem sucedidas das restantes que não conseguiram alcançar os seus objetivos são, essencialmente, as tomadas de decisões mais inteligentes.
Alguns dos erros mais comuns que muitas pessoas cometem ao longo do percurso que pode conduzir cada um de nós ao sucesso é a sobrevalorização, ou qualquer outro tipo de exageros, a arrogância, ou perder o focus, logo é crucial reconhecermos que enquanto se mudam as perspetivas, ou a forma como os desafios são abordados, devemos simplesmente saber posicionar-nos para enfrentar os próximos eventuais obstáculos, de uma forma bem-sucedida.
Uma coisa que as pessoas verdadeiramente bem-sucedidas fazem, discretamente, é a conectividade. No mundo profissional, o networking, ou a criação de uma rede de contatos, é um equilíbrio entre os interesses corporativos e os relacionamentos pessoais. As pessoas bem-sucedidas iniciam os novos projetos com humildade e conquistam desafios, de uma forma modesta, enquanto ponderam silenciosamente as suas ideias e as opiniões que vão surgindo por parte das outras pessoas. Elas sabem, ainda, como se devem comportar e como devem conviver em privado com um hipotético futuro trabalhador, pois sabem perfeitamente qual é a forma mais correta como toda a gente deve ser tratada - com respeito; desta forma evita-se embaraçar alguém em frente das outras pessoas, enquanto se preserva uma boa atmosfera profissional e enquanto se criam empatias a nível pessoal.
Esteja ciente que fornecer todos os seus detalhes pessoais (a sua morada completa, por exemplo, ou outros dados pessoais no seu CV) pode vir a representar um ato inadvertidamente mal calculado, caso as pessoas com quem você partilha essas informações não sejam tão leais, nem estejam tão estáveis financeiramente como você poderá estar. Além disso, partilhar demasiada informação também sobre os seus investimentos é um risco e passá-la aos seus concorrentes (quer sejam eles conhecidos, ou não) pode fazer com que eles possam aproveitar-se das suas próprias táticas e utilizá-las para proveito próprio.
Por fim, algo que as pessoas bem-sucedidas fazem é investir depois de projetarem um planeamento, de uma forma contínua, até o terem posto em prática, tendo sempre em atenção tudo aquilo que implica a inovação constante, em todos os sentidos, do mundo ao nosso redor.
Lembre-se: nunca é tarde demais para recomeçar tudo novamente, pois por vezes é necessário recuar um passo e redirecionarmos os nossos objetivos para metas atualizadas e muito bem definidas. Se não se sente feliz com a vida que vive atualmente, tente algo diferente. Não se iniba e tente sempre melhorar. Reflita sobre tudo aquilo que mais o(a) motiva e atreva-se a ser o(a) melhor dos(as) melhores!


Today (09/08/2017) is NATIONAL BOOK LOVERS DAY📘, a day that encourages any person to find his / her favorite reading place to go for with a good book, whether it be fiction or non-fiction, and read the day away.

NATIONAL BOOK LOVERS DAY is observed each year on August 9, and in some countries the date is celebrated on the first Saturday of November. 


📘 The very first books used parchment or vellum (calf skin) for the book pages.📙The book covers were made of wood and often covered with leather.📘The books were fitted with clasps or straps.📙Public libraries appeared in the Middle Ages.📘Books in public libraries were often chained to a bookshelf or a desk to prevent theft.📙Digital printing opens up the possibility of print-on-demand, where no books are printed until after an order is received from a customer, and E-books (electronic book) are rapidly increasing in popularity. 

These are some of the best quotes about Bibliophiles:

📜“Give me a man or woman who has read a thousand books and you give me an interesting companion. Give me a man or woman who has read perhaps three and you give me a very dangerous enemy indeed.” Anne Rice
📜“Literature takes us away from our grey everyday experience, but brings us back enriched with new sensibilities.” Willie van Peer
📜"The Bibliophile is the master of his books, the Bibliomaniac their slave." Henry Ward Beecher
📜"A great book should leave you with many experiences." William Styron
📜"A Bibliophile has approximately the same relationship to literature as a philatelist to geography."
Karl Kraus
📜"I am not a Bibliophile but a Humanophile: I look for rare human beings." Natalie Clifford Barney

Please Click the LINK TOP 20 Best Sites to Download Free e-Books (ENG); enjoy.

HAPPY National Book Lovers Day!

O Dia 'Nacional' Dos Bibliófilos' é celebrado anualmente no dia 9 de Agosto e em alguns paises a data comemora-se no primeiro Sábado de Novembro. Este dia - um dia para todos aqueles que adoram ler - é um incentivo que leva muitas pessoas a procurarem o seu local favorito para poderem desfrutar de uma boa leitura e aproveitam assim um bom dia de férias, independentemente do livro ser de ficção, ou pertencer ao género literário da não-ficção.


📘As as páginas dos primeiros livros da história da humanidade eram feitas de pergaminho, ou de 'vellum' (pele de bezerro).
📙As capas dos livros eram feitas de madeira e também eram, muitas vezes, cobertas de cabedal.
📘Os livros eram adornados com fechos, ou com cintos, ou tiras de couro.
📙As primeiras Bibliotecas Públicas surgiram na Idade Média.
📘Os livros eram, muitas vezes, acorrentados nas estantes, ou nas mesas, para evitar que fossem roubados das Bibliotecas Públicas.
📙A impressão digital veio abrir a possibilidade dos livros serem impressos somente após ter sido feita uma encomenda e, atualmente, os E-books (ou livros digitais) estão a ser cada vez mais comercializados.

Algumas das melhores frases sobre os 'Amantes dos Livros':

📜 "Apresente-me um homem, ou uma mulher, que leu mil livros e irá presentear-me com uma companhia muito interessante. Apresente-me um homem, ou uma mulher, que talvez tenha lido três livros e irá, na realidade, deixar-me perante um inimigo muito perigoso. "Anne Rice
📜 "A Literatura afasta-nos das nossas experiências quotidianas cinzentas e traz-nos de volta à realidade enriquecidos com uma nova sensibilidade." Willie van Peer
📜 "O Bibliófilo é o Mestre dos seus livros, o Bibliónico é o seu escravo." Henry Ward Beecher
📜 "Um bom livro irá proporcionar-lhe muitas experiências." William Styron
📜 "Um Bibliófilo tem praticamente a mesma relação com a Literatura que um colecionador de selos, ou um Filatelista, tem com a Geografia." Karl Kraus
📜 "Eu não sou um Bibliófilo; eu sou um Humanófilo - ando em busca de humanos raros." Natalie Clifford Barney

Tenha um ótimo dia; um dia repleto de aventuras inspiradoras e produtivas!

IMAGEM: A invenção do livro impresso.

"Genius", at the National Geographic Channel - Uma sugestão.

On April 25, 2017, the National Geographic Channel debuted its first scripted TV series (ended in June), "Genius", a 10-part series nominated for 10 Emmy Award categories, based on the Walter Isaacson Book "Einstein: His Life and Universe" - internationally bestselling biography of Albert Einstein, published recently (04/11/2017) at Barnes & Noble. It is not a story about science, but rather the journey that Albert Einstein took to become one of the world's first modern celebrities through the introduction of the General Theory of Relativity at age of 36, in 1916.

During Einstein's life, Europe was in the Renaissance of Modern Science set admits a background of literary salons, political, cultural and societal upheaval, between the late 19th and early 20th century. From 1918 through World War II, scientific discovery set the agenda for hundreds of technical techniques and products we use today in medicine, space, military and consumer electronics.

In the series "Genius", the journey, from young Einstein (played by Johnny Flynn) to the iconic Einstein the world has come to know, (played by Geoffrey Rush) shows us a flawed man who's both a societal and academic rebel, but also a man who's in conflict with the world and people around him. From his discomfort with his own religion, his conflict with his contribution to the development of the atomic bomb to his infidelities and complicated relationship with women, he's at odds with his celebrity, the scientific community and himself.

Some of the most relevant related questions that may lead us toward reflexion are:
👉What is 'Flow' and how can it make your work more enjoyable?
👉How did his mind work?
👉What made him a Genius?
👉How Einstein’s scientific imagination sprang from the rebellious nature of his personality?



Uma Sugestão: gerar um Brainstorming sobre a série "Genius", do canal Discovery Channel.

Algumas das questões mais relevantes que esta série originou, as quais nos podem conduzir a determinadas reflexões, são:

👉Qual é o verdadeiro significado do termo 'Fluir' e o que podemos fazer para que esse conceito se aplique à nossa atividade profissional tornando-a, assim, numa tarefa mais agradável de desenvolver?
👉Como é que a mente de Einstein funcionava?
👉Como foi que ele se tornou num Génio?
👉Como foi possível a imaginação científica de Einstein ter surgido de uma rebeldia típica da sua própria personalidade?

Clique, por favor, no Link para poder visualizar os Trailers de todos os episódios desta Série.


National Mentoring Month / O Mês da atividade conhecida em Portugal como 'Mentoring'

Mentoring have an almost twenty year history. The field is sophisticated and entrepreneurial, and President George W. Bush has endorsed the campaign by proclaiming January as "National Mentoring Month", since 2002. The declaration has been endorsed by both chambers of the United States Congress.

Participants in the National Mentoring Month campaign include leading nonprofit Organizations and numerous Governors and Mayors. Designated nonprofit and governmental agencies are responsible for coordinating local campaign activities in communities across the country, including media outreach and volunteer recruitment. Local lead partners include state and local affiliates of MENTOR / National Mentoring Partnership, Corporation for National and Community Service, Points of Light Foundation and Volunteer Center National Network, America's Promise, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Communities in Schools, and United Way of America.

A highlight of the campaign is "Thank Your Mentor Day", in which Americans thank and honor their Mentors - people are encouraged to contact their Mentors directly to express appreciation, or to become a Mentor in their own community, to make a financial contribution to a local mentoring program, or to simply post a tribute on

Colin Powell was the lead spokesperson for National Mentoring Month, in 2009, as President Barack Obama agreed to be featured in a print ad in support of National Mentoring Month the same year.

The UK's National Mentoring Day was launched to recognize the significant benefits of mentoring across the UK and takes place on October 27th each year, since 2015.

More than just shared interests, new study highlights the importance of engaged listening, an article by the International Mentoring Archives, The Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring.

Be someone who matters, to someone who matters.

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Through my own experience as a Mentor.

Are you trying to find a Mentor, or are you simply looking for someone who agrees to share their skills, knowledge, expertise, and professional contacts with you? 

Mentors can help you set career goals, resolve difficult problems, and make sound career decisions. People with Mentors earn higher salaries, are promoted more frequently, and report higher job satisfaction than those without Mentors. You may already have one, since many mentoring relationships arise organically at work, or even in school, but if you’ve found yourself without a Mentor, and you want one, here’s a few tips on how to find one.

Are you looking for someone local? Is it important to you to meet your Mentor in person? Are you looking for someone with a particular skillset, or who works in a particular field? What kind of time commitment are you looking for? What’s important to you in terms of personality? What do you want to gain from the Mentor-Mentee relationship? 

Once you narrow down what you need from a Mentor, searching for one becomes easier, yet to search for potential Mentors online may not be that easy, that is the reason why I decided to create my Blog, starting with the article "Through My Own Experience as a Mentor", to help you finding the Mentor of your choice. 

There is no harm in considering a stranger to be your Mentor, if you take certain precautions, and there are a few places to look:
  • Search for potential Mentors online using LinkedIn, for example;
  • Look through the members of Associations related to your field, or the field you’re interested;
  • Check the alumni directory of your alma mater for potential connections, or
  • Fellowship Programs, such as:
  • The Fellowship for Emerging Leaders in Public Service – connect participants to Mentors; 
  • Mentorship Program - Meet and Greet, or 
  • Career Connections Programs.
Through my own experience as a Mentor, and finally to introduce myself, I may say that the Mentoring roles and responsibilities I consider to be my strengths are precisely some of my best qualities, such as my vision, the way I see Mentoring as one of the most important roles in society to massively benefit the general public. 

According with my past experiences, I can guarantee I am capable of empowering people, in order to Develop Their Own Strengths and Lead Him / Her (or Them) to a Successful Life.  I am Focusing On Generating Value For Others, while sharing my experiences based on decades of knowledge, including college degrees, 
training seminars, mentoring relationships, several certifications in different areas of expertise (administration and scientific fields, research careers, stress management techniques / self-help therapies, alternative medicines, and others) and by beginning each relationship with a getting-to-know-you session.

About responsibilities, I am and always was responsible for my acts and I always make sure I am as efficient as any person can be. Being good it is not enough, we must be the best of the bests,
 We Need To Go from Good to Great and my never-say-die attitude always brought me many benefits; Helping Others Always Made Me Feel Great! 

I can also add, at least, some of the most effective ways Mentoring can benefit people's development as Researchers, for example - Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning, it helps develop full potential and it benefits all partners. The research base is strong, the need is clear, and it guarantees people that there is someone who cares about them. Success in a research career is typically defined as becoming an independent and a productive Investigator in one’s field.

There are several factors to consider when setting goals and these same factors will always be improved upon and the role I assume depends always on the needs of the Mentees.

I plan to more informally structure my Mentoringhowever mentoring relationships that take place outside of an institution-supported program can be formal in the sense that they are given some structure. The policies will always be adapted to suit individual needs. 

I generally use, among others, the following process, strategies, and tools: 

- Mentor-Mentee matching;
- Establishing expectations for the mentoring relationship, and 
- Evaluating the Mentoring 'effort', 

While reflecting upon the Strategies for Success, I think all aspects are important; since all will optimize my Mentoring skills, starting with The Importance of Relationships, the Types of Mentor Roles and / or Functions, ending with The Structured Process for Success. 

Are you finding my advice useful? 

Remember: Mentoring is ultimately a Blueprint.

NOTE: PT description maybe be available (not on Google Translator); feel free to contact me and I will be pleased to help. 

A descrição traduzida corretamente em PT poderá ser disponibilizada, caso seja necessário. Não hesite em contactar; ficarei satisfeita em poder ser útil. 
Grata pela sua atenção.

Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way - A Criação de Hábitos Gera Poder

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." Aristotle Seems like, nowadays, many of us a...